Hi! My name is Tiago Leonardo Costa Dias from 1996, abbreviated TLCD96, as you might have seen in the section above, with an image of me and my first and last name.
The name TLCD96, as said above, is an abbreviation of my name and birthdate.
So, to alert any user, every site representing me is within the domain “*.TLCD96.com”.
Do not take other websites as mine. This website is the only one that’s mine and represents me.
From, at least, 2020, till today, I’m not accepting clients.
The information in this website on the products page are only a reference, for future clients, this when I start to accept clients, that at the moment, in the forceable future, I do not intend to.
Since, at least, 2020, I did not open new projects, nor I accepted clients. In that year, I started working and then a couple of events made me unable to work.
Prior to 2020, I’ve tried to get clients, but I couldn’t.
The prices in this website are only a reference, to potential customers that I didn’t have and that I don’t have.
At the moment and for the forceable future, I don’t intent to accept new clients.
The site is unfinished because I’m working on other projects, some of them are free, (non-profit organizations) and others are not.
This takes time that I need to develop, so my website is in the background being developed as I go.
Here, when I’m finished, you’ll have a client area to use and see your projects. Only projects added in the priority queue can make your website a bit slower to develop.
At first glance, no site will be on the priority queue, at this moment, so your site comes first.
If I’m developing another site while I receive your request for a website, you’ll be put on the “normal queue” for:
— being developed projects
And, when is done, to the developed project list, later named, “Portfolio”.
The Priority Queue is a premium queue that the person pays extra for their site to be one of the latest projects, to come out, as fast as possible. Right now, it is not possible to be on this queue, as this site is developed, and the client dashboard is done, you’ll be able to purchase your product and choose, for a premium price, if you want to be put on the priority queue.

Where to draw the lines between time, love and money
In the past month, I’ve been hiding some secrets. I’m in love and I might have an issue with it. Lines that should not cross…

Spam accounts
Today, after a long time I’ve received another spam account invitation to get dirty. Not to say that I didn’t…

When the past haunts you
I’m experiencing a new type of past haunting, old company haunt. I know Halloween has passed but this is a new thing.

Making the time valuable
With the health issues I have I know that it’s difficult to make the time valuable again. But that does not mean that I can’t try.

A push to the limit
In the previous months, I’ve tried to get better, forcing me to go to the limit, trying to study, or even trying to code again. All to no avail.

Some people are lost
Again with moral dilemmas about the status of today’s majority of people. And I must say, some people, are lost in the world of exacerbated sexuality.

The Intrinsic Quest for a Better Microsoft Windows
Wonder if, with personalization apps that replace the behavior of Windows. Is there a way for Microsoft to push a good Windows OS to its users?

Using DMCA plugin from the WordPress Repo….
I found myself with a problem with the “DMCA Badge” plugin, and here’s my take on the support provided by DMCA itself. This is a blaming and shaming post.

luck and problems
Talking about luck and problems can be a bit problematic, but, as this is my blog, I can talk about that, in my own experience.