Talking about luck and problems can be a bit problematic, but, as this is my blog, I can talk about that, in my own experience.

Is there luck and bad luck?

Many can say that luck and the opposite exist, others say that it does not, and maybe there is something in between. For me, I believe in luck and effort, without effort, there is no luck. This train of thought can be considered as “you make your own luck”. But, many times, I find myself in a position that is, considering that I don’t have luck at all, in the various aspects of life. For the sake of giving some examples, I’ll give you the triad, luck in love, luck in work, and finally, luck in the games.

In those terms, I must talk about each one of those subjects, individually, to explain and really grasp the concepts that are in place. Because concepts without proper explanation are difficult to understand and might mislead someone to believe that you are saying something that you are not. And no, I did not forget to talk about problems, we are going to explore those in the explanation of the triad that I’ve referred to before.


Good fortune in love, or I might dare to say problems about love…

My luck, or better, problems with love started when I was very young, I had summer loves, loves at first glance of the person, and that brought me too many sorrows to keep up with my young body, and long-lasting love that to this day still affects me. The knowledge of today tells you that real love does not disappear. And I agree with that. I still have feelings for some people that I cannot erase from my heart and mind. To complement that, I always overcompensated my girlfriends because in those times I thought that they deserved me at 200% and they never understood why I was so cheesy or clingy. It never was my intention to be like that, and most of the female spectrum sees this as “red flags”, so let’s give excuses without further explanation and go with that. Because of that, love, for me specifically, was always problematic, and the end of every relationship I’ve had always led me astray, made me think that I never had luck in my romantic scenario. To make things short, I overcompensated my partners and they thought that I had problems I did not have.


Luck in work settings and work conditions…

I’ve always been truthful about things that affected me and that might appear as no problem at all, but let me explain. In the fields of web development, and fast food, I was just but I had a problem, I always had something to say to improve things and many times people did not want to listen to those things. Because of that I always had a reason to be angry and to trash talk within my inner circle.

I have to say before I continue that I never caused problems for any company because of that but I really could if I was another type of person.

That, of course, brought problems for me just because everyone, within my reach and superior to me, never listened to what I had to say. And, with many tries and failures, I always ended up in a hard position for anyone to be. Between a wall and a sword. At risk of losing my job. Now, of course, I won’t specify a company that did me wrong, but I can explain things and with that, let’s begin round 2 of this explanation.

Problems and more problems came to me in one specific job, my boss was one and I didn’t have HR or any kind of way to talk about problems in the company. With that, in this very specific job, I was a victim of psychological pressure and moral harassment. And to cause insult to injury, my boss never wanted to talk as a real human being about the company or even his employees. One of the newly hired personnel, who is a great friend of mine nowadays, gave up after two weeks because of this employer. I’ve tried to talk to the employer several times to no avail, and he was always angry at me because of unrealistic pieces of work and deadlines. I was working for him 16 hours a day during the pandemic and after the main restrictions came, I was working for 12 to 14 hours a day. This was without job benefits and good work conditions, that came from my employer. Of course, my mental health was shot by a very large caliber, one of those found on a tank. The things were very difficult to resolve, involving lawyers and court, and even in them, the employer lied with all of his tooths to the judge saying that I had excellent work conditions and I had, from day one, all the tools I needed to make my job easier and that I was a full stack developer and a designer when he knew, from day 1, that I didn’t know web designing.

To wrap things up about problems and luck at work, I won in court, but this specific work had taken from me a large section of my mental health and well-being. So, luck where was it? On the trash. And, this company I won’t add a link to it, or even disclose what the name of the company was. I don’t want to get into legal trouble for speaking out the truth.


And finally, luck at games, more specifically, chance games.

This will be a shorter explanation since this subject is easy to explain without too much development. As the title implies, my luck at chance games is 0, but I’m optimistic it turns to 1%, I know this is a lame joke but yes, chances of winning chance games depend on several factors, not just because the stars aligned or the horoscope said the lucky number to use on the day was 50 for example, everything in chance games comes down to probability and statistics. If you don’t know the EuroMillions key it’s normal because chances are 1 in 139,838,160 to get the lucky combination for winning the jackpot. (numbers from the website at 2024-03-12). So yeah, my bad luck in those games is purely fictional. But hey, if you never play, you never know or win.


Justification and Causality…

So if we see, in detail, my luck, or lack of it, had always been a byproduct of my actions, or other people’s actions, or even due to external variables that we cannot account for. With that said, I have to be more optimistic about things and control the variables that are dependent on me, to improve my mental health and mental hygiene. Enough of overcompensating, working too much, and caring too much (in the case of work only), and I must stop to say that I don’t have luck. I have luck, but since I cannot control other variables.