My experience working at Digitlântico, a micro-company inserted inside cempa and difficulties i found collaborating with this company in general.
Jobs the user had or has
My experience working at Digitlântico, a micro-company inserted inside cempa and difficulties i found collaborating with this company in general.
After Internships, it was time to get a real job, and I found one in McDonald’s. This job brought many things, and I’ve loved working there. But my time was short there and many things happened.
From the program “Estagiar-T” (Internship) i had the pleasure to work within AcoresPRO as a Web Developer from 2015-10-01 to 2017-03-31.
Scholar Internship on “Câmara Municipal de Ponta Delgada”, made possible by the School “Escola Secundária Antero de Quental” from 2015-05-04 till 2015-08-30.